Your Truth Is Seeking You
A force resides in you that can deliver the highest truth of your being. This power shows you exactly who you are, how you fit into the whole, and how you are the whole itself. But it not only shows you your truth; it also enables you to inhabit it. You could say that this innate power gives birth to your purest, most genuine aspects of self, while it grants you the freedom to embody that purity of being.
The Problem
There are many who say that your truth has always existed within you, a truth that waits for you to take ownership. Traditionally, claiming your inner truth has meant using your mind and mind’s ego to somehow conjure up an image of a higher state of being. Then, in some way, you are to embody that image, while experiencing the emotions of your choice. Another popular method advises you to perform mental gymnastics that push your consciousness beyond the grip of your ego and emotions, where you can then gain sight of and experience transcendent states of being. Usually, the results of these methods are neither comprehensive nor lasting. This is because these techniques bypass the primary driving force that provides far-reaching change, the feminine part of our nature that we are all too happy to push away: our unwanted emotions.
The Solution
Simply stated: Our rejected “negative” emotions provide the missing key to our truth and wholeness. That’s right, what we don’t want is exactly what supplies what we do want. When allowed to reside in our consciousness and body to the same degree that we honor our mind’s intellect, our once-abandoned emotions evoke the realization of our highest states of being. It’s that simple. The Emotion Solution proves this. Yet we are conditioned to either push what we don’t like out of our consciousness to avoid inner conflict or act out that distress by default. But either way, we divert the power that can propel us to our higher selves. While turning this conditioning around can take some effort, those predisposed toward their emotional selves usually have an easier time of it and often achieve extraordinary results in short order. Yet even those who gravitate almost entirely toward their intellect can learn to change their orientation and make headway. And once initial gains are made, the Emotion Solution becomes easier and easier, with cascading realizations beyond what the mind’s ego can imagine.
Natural Evolution
The Emotion Solution turns out to be a natural process: The more you admit those parts of your nature that you previously cast aside, the more of your nature you realize. The Emotion Solution shows you how to greet and embody these rejected parts of self and allow them to unite with what you normally allow in your consciousness. Now your realized truth can begin to orchestrate the symphony of what it is to be human, what it is to live your highest truth. The miracle is that this symphony is neither forced nor contrived, because it appears to flow from heaven itself. With each new instance of emotional acceptance, you realize more of your truth as a unique self that is in concert with the universe. Your unbridled truth sets you free.