Emotional Intelligence vs. Intelligent Emotions

Current popular opinion gives emotional intelligence high praise. After all, our emotional natures constitute a large part of being human, and the ability to be highly conscious of, name, and manage emotions to enhance thought puts those with a relatively high “EQ” at an advantage. But while these are certainly good skills to develop and possess, in my experience, the practice of using emotions to enhance the intellect, and then cutting the process short there, borders on travesty. Emotions are capable of so very much more. Few imagine that emotions might be intelligent within themselves, and fewer still realize that given free rein, so-called negative emotions can lead to solutions to living that dwarf the benefits derived through emotion management alone.

A Code of Their Own

Emotions themselves offer the best cure for internal conflict and distress. Hands down. They are the missing element to our healing, for they allow us to tap into the endless strength and solace of our higher self. You cannot open this door through emotion management. Accessing emotional intelligence largely entails putting emotions into what is imagined to be their proper place, in order to make the mind work more effectively. But what I’m talking about here, accessing the intelligence of your emotions, involves effectively pushing your intellect and its ego aside, so that your formerly resisted emotions can now perform their magic. And magic is what they offer.

Grant Permission to Your Emotions

This magic is your birthright. In fact, there are those who believe that infants are able to naturally access their higher selves, but through the perils of living, including caregivers who are unable to support this inborn capacity, young children gradually lose contact with elements of their higher nature, and in desperation, they create ego structures in their stead. And although an ego makes a poor substitute, at least it is encouraged by caregivers, for these caregivers function through their ego, and it’s therefore ego that they can recognize and encourage in the child. Some spiritual practices aim to deconstruct the ego in the hope that higher states of being can shine through. These methods can work, but I’ve found them arduous and largely unproductive, and they require the guidance of a teacher. Others include levels of emotions in their quest for deconstruction, and while these certainly work better, they still require years of instruction and onerous compliance. The Emotion Solution is different: It is primarily an emotion-driven approach that works directly with the emotions that were involved when you lost contact with various aspects of your higher self. More often than not, these same emotions are retriggered by incidents in your present day-to-day life. And as you will learn, these emotions want to restore you to your wholeness. But you need to let them. Permit yourself to become more aware of the emotions that you normally try to push away, embody them, and let your experience flower. This method is easier than traditional techniques, and nothing produces faster results. While a trained teacher or therapist can help facilitate this process, many can learn to do this on their own. The Emotion Solution shows you how.

A Greater Self At Hand

The Emotion Solution is about retrieving the ability to include your greater self in your daily life. And the more you do so, the easier life will become. This means problem-solving spiritual experiences will occur on a regular basis, and this is the highest order of adventure. Not that you won’t have problems or concerns, for that’s part of being human. But now you’ll find that the full spectrum of human nature has your back.

F Carlisle

Author of The Emotion Solution: Change Your Consciousness, Change Everything


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